What is Nodal?

Nodal is a team of surrogacy professionals. We’ve created a Matching Platform that efficiently connects intended parents and pre-screened surrogates. Both intended parents and surrogates are provided with hands-on support throughout the matching experience. After matching, you can choose whether you want to enlist Nodal Case Management for full-service journey support.

In order to sign up for your Matching Platform what do I need to do?

Intended parent(s) fill out a few quick questions and schedule a call with us here!

Surrogates fill out a few quick questions and schedule a call with us here!

Our Nodal Team Members are here to make this process as easy as possible.

Why is your company called Nodal?

We call ourselves Nodal [noh]+[dul] for three very specific reasons:

First, we connect different “nodes” of information to help our surrogates and intended parents reach their goals.

Second, the “NODAL” gene is required for embryo development.

Third, “nodes” are the points on a stem where the buds, leaves, and branching twigs originate. You can’t grow a (family) tree without interconnected nodes either!

How does the Matching Platform work?

Once surrogates and intended parents are screened, they can access the Nodal Matching Platform. Both sides create profiles—similar to a dating site—and the surrogate gets the chance to "swipe right" first (à la Bumble). If the intended parent(s) accept the invitation, they can meet for a match call, facilitated by a Nodal team member. If it’s a match, Nodal helps both parties begin the next steps in their journey, including access to legal resources, educational tools, and service provider recommendations.

What screening do people undergo prior to going live on the Matching Platform?

Everyone undergoes identity verification and background checks prior to going live on the Matching Platform. Additionally, every surrogate on our platform has successfully passed a thorough review of their medical history data and records by our in-house clinical team. We also require a clearance letter from their current OBGYN provider and in many cases clearance from a third-party MFM consult.

What happens if a match doesn't work out?

Unfortunately, matches can fall through due to a variety of reasons. Regardless of the “why” Nodal can support you as you find another match.  If the doctor of the intended parent(s) does not approve of the Medical Record Packet we send over, the intended parent(s) profile will return to the platform with no additional cost for re-matching. If the doctor approves of the Medical Record Packet but the match breaks between the file approval and the signing of the Gestational Carrier Agreement, we welcome the intended parent(s) back to the Matching Platform with a discount.

Is there really no waitlist to join Nodal?

Correct. We have surrogates on the Nodal platform waiting to find their perfect intended parent(s). If Nodal is the right fit for you and, as intended parent(s), you have at least one embryo, you will be able to move forward into screening, profile building, and matching.

Does it cost me anything to join the Nodal platform as a surrogate?

Joining Nodal as a surrogate is free. However, each surrogate must pass our Nodal screening before becoming a member on the Nodal Matching Platform.

Why should I choose Nodal as a surrogate?

At Nodal we love that surrogates are in the driver’s seat! We have surrogates view all Matching Platform intended parents (not the other way around), which allows surrogates a well-informed decision during matching. Nodal also allows surrogates to create their personalized compensation plan with guidance from their experienced Surrogate Mentor. Last, Nodal surrogates have support from their experienced Surrogate Mentor through their whole journey.

As an intended parent, why should I choose Nodal?

The most important part of a journey is finding the right match. The Nodal Matching Platform is a way to potentially meet someone amazing quickly. After matching, you can choose whether you want to enlist Nodal Case Management for full-service journey support or take an independent journey. Every case is unique, which is why we designed our adaptable model to meet the individualized needs of each of our members.

As an intended parent, can I be on an agency waitlist and work with Nodal?

Yes, we are flexible! Some people use Nodal as their primary lane for matching and some people use Nodal as a secondary lane while waiting on an agency waitlist. Nodal just asks that the intended parent(s) are fully transparent with both Nodal and any potential surrogate candidates about all open lanes.

What does it cost me to join the Nodal platform as an intended parent?

Pay $500 per month for access to our matching platform. This $500 per month pays down the $15,000 Membership Fee. If you match elsewhere or decide the Matching Platform is not for you, you can cancel with seven days notice and no ongoing obligation. Pay the remainder of the $15,000 Membership Fee after a facilitated intro call and a match is made! Once matched, you can choose to engage Nodal’s Case Management team for full journey support or take an independent journey. It’s up to you!  

What happens after I find a match?

After matching through Nodal, you can choose to take an independent journey or continue with Nodal as your case manager. If you choose an independent journey, Nodal will make service provider recommendations for legal, escrow and insurance to set you up for success. If you choose for Nodal to be your case manager, Nodal will manage the steps between match and embryo transfer, including coordinating the psychological review, medical clearance process, legal, insurance and escrow creation. As part of our case management, Nodal will also book travel, help with reimbursements before escrow is created and serve as a problem solver.

How much does Nodal Case Management cost?

Nodal Case Management costs $10,000, which covers the time from match to embryo transfer, with an option to keep Nodal's case management services post-transfer for an additional fee of $5,000. Some clinics require case management from match to birth, which is a requirement that we can satisfy.

If you bring a surrogate candidate to Nodal and would like Nodal to screen the person, there is an additional screening fee of $2,500 for our team to thoroughly collect, verify and review her medical records.

When during my journey should I sign up for Nodal Case Management?

We recommend signing up with us as soon as your doctor provides the initial approval of your surrogate’s Medical Record Packet.

Are legal costs included in the Nodal Case Management fee?

No, these costs are not included in the Nodal Case Management fee. Nodal has connections to the best lawyers in the industry. Based on your journey's specific needs, we'll connect you with attorneys and coordinate scheduling as needed.

What is your refund policy?

If the fertility doctor disqualifies a candidate based on their Medical Record Packet, the intended parent(s) can choose to come back to the Matching Platform at no additional cost or take a partial refund and not return to the Matching Platform. If the match breaks after the fertility doctor accepts the Medical Record Packet but before the Gestational Carrier Agreement is signed, the intended parent(s) can choose to come back and rematch with a discount or take a partial refund. Once the Gestational Carrier Agreement is signed, there is no refund or matching discount available.

What is gestational surrogacy?

Gestational surrogacy is a form of third-party reproduction in which a consenting individual carries a pregnancy for the intended parent(s). The gestational carrier is not biologically related to the baby. An embryo created from gametes—egg cells and sperm—from the intended parent(s) or donors are transferred to the surrogate via in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Is surrogacy legal in all US states?

Surrogacy is legal for most in all states except for Nebraska and Louisiana. Surrogacy was legalized in Michigan and the law will take effect in 2025.

What are the basic requirements for becoming a surrogate?

View complete requirements at Surrogate Requirements. If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out at hello@nodal.com.